New Year--New Adventures

by Pastor Mike Adams

By the time some of you are reading this, undoubtedly you will have already celebrated our Savior's birth with sharing love gifts and being with friends and family.

It truly is "The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!" As our heavenly Father expressed his love for us, as unlovely and rebellious as we sometimes are, I trust we will always be looking for ways to build bridges to those who need his love extended to them through us! His love is always reaching out to us. Let us reach out to those who need him, even if they are hard to love.

As we approach the new year, we will definitely be missing some of those we have developed relationships with over the years. Whether they have just moved or have moved to a new heavenly address.

One of those we have grown accustomed to seeing and hearing in the office or answering the Church telephone, Karen Horn, has decided to retire from her position as Administrative Assistant to us at New Zion Church. She has been such a blessing to so many, including me, as she has helped me be a better Pastor to all of you! Make sure you wish her well as she joins her retired husband, Terry, and enjoys traveling with him to new adventurous places! 

We thank you Karen from the bottom of our hearts and will miss you greatly and promise to be praying for you and your family! 

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