Allegheny West Annual Conference Report

by Bob Wilson, lay member to conference

It was just a year ago in June, that I attended the West Ohio UMC annual conference in Dayton, Ohio as a lay delegate from New Zion UMC.  As I considered the recommendations that were presented there, it set the tone for our church to discern and finally to disaffiliate from the UMC and to join the Global Methodist Church. A lot has happened since then, and I praise God for bringing us as a church through those trying times.

The theme of the Allegheny West Annual Conference was “BUILDING TOGETHER.” David Carter, our elder of the Columbus East Circuit, once said that “We are flying the airplane as it’s being built.”  So that fits in with the theme.

Pastor Jeff Greenway, the President Pro Temp, started the session on Thursday with praise and worship and message. His message from the book of Nehemiah was, “We are all COGPOW People  (Child Of God, Person Of Worth.)”  “God has placed you where you are.”  “Be bold in asking for what you need.”  “There’s not a lot of traffic on the ‘high road.’” More praise and worship followed the message, and we broke for lunch.

We had a Bible study by Pastor Bill Arnold whose theme was, NOW IS THE TIME/THIS IS THE PLACE/YOU ARE THE PEOPLE. His message was from the book of Deuteronomy 1:6-8. 

We then entered into the business session and voted on ATTACHMENT A, which concerned the special conference held earlier this year in March about voting for delegates to General Conference to be held this fall.

Then we discussed ATTACHMENT B, the church planting team proposal. The goal is to start 12–15 new churches per year.

Both of the attachments were voted on and passed.

After dinner, we were introduced to the delegation from Kenya, Africa. They were representing the Kenya Provisional Conference that the Miracle Offering was going to. They introduced themselves and described their job titles. One was a dean at a seminary, and the other two were professors at the same school. When the Miracle Offering was collected and counted, there was $221,000 including pledges.  New Zion gave a check for $300.

Our guest speaker for the evening session was Pastor Carolyn Moore. She spoke from Ezra 3:3. The theme of the message was “Build the Altar First.” These are several quotes from her message, “The altar is a place of sacrifice.”  “The altar is where we define our faith.”  “The word settle is defined as to put an end to a rough season.”  “Have you invited God to settle Himself in you?” 

She asked everyone to come down front to the altar if you could and pray for repentance and renewal.  What a close to Thursday’s conference!

Friday started with more praise and worship and the morning speaker was again Pastor Carolyn Moore. Her theme was from Romans 4:16-17 titled, “TRUST THIS.”  “You are a walking miracle.”  “God isn’t interested in certainty.  He is interested in faith.”  Here is a statement of faith, “When the Son sets you free you are free indeed.” “God is in the rebuilding process.”

The Bible study was led by the Academic Dean of United Seminary, Steve Seamands. He spoke from Nehemiah. Quotes: “There is always bad news, but the good news is: JESUS IS LORD.”  “The western world is becoming pagan.” “32% of Americans are called the NONES.”  They are not atheist, but they don’t get involved in any type of religion.” “We need to contend for the faith in a fallen world.”  “Too many people are spending their time on the (Plains of Ono) or (Facebook).

Interesting Fact:

Most people’s world view of Christianity...

Pre-1994:        Positive

1994–2014:     Neutral

2014–present: Negative

“We need more evangelism.”

 After lunch we had a Bible study by Bill Arnold.

We entered into a business session. We discussed Attachment C which included: the 2023 year-end Financial Statement, the Revised Proformal Budget, and the 2024 Proposed Budget. A vote was taken and Attachment C was passed.

Next, Attachment D was brought forward which is:

The River Network International Proposal to Allegheny West Annual Conference is about the AC resourcing and equipping the local church and conference leaders as follows. Assist in casting a vision for each local church to participating in church planting in 4 years. This process has many conditions and processes to consider. The training for these processes will be conducted by AC. The ultimate goal is:

 1. Multiplying Disciples

 2. Multiplying Leaders

 3. Multiplying Churches

The cost of this program per year is $60,000. A vote was taken and the attachment was passed.

When I left the conference and was driving home, I was grateful for attending a conference that was so different from the ones I had attended when we were UMC.  Attending was a blessing rather than a duty. I would like to thank New Zion Methodist Church for the privilege of attending as your lay delegate.                  

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