
by Pastor Mike Adams

Have you felt it? CHANGE is in the air! I have always been someone who looked forward to change. From rearranging the furniture, to changing the clothing of one season to the next. You might even have noticed that the way I conduct worship never seems to get into a rut. I have always liked change.

But it seems that the older I get, the less likely I will embrace change. The familiar ways of doing things are easier. Easier is not always the best way forward though. Easy leads to not wanting to exert too much. Not wanting to exert too much leads to weakness due to not working the brain or muscles enough. 

So change, whether we are in charge of it or not, doesn’t have to be a bad thing! It keeps us sharp. It keeps us on our toes. It keeps us looking forward to seeing what happens next. The leaves will soon be changing color. The kids are already going back to school. New businesses are going up along with the prices of groceries at the grocery store. But, the high temperature of summer is cooling. We are seeing faces of new people coming to church and there seems to be a sense of excitement in the air! So not all change is a bad thing!

As we move into a new season, why not make a change in the way you connect with God? As someone recently told me that they were doing a “Deep Dive” in to scripture and spiritual studies, why not change and grow closer to God by spending more time with God and seeing what He wants to show you about himself and even yourself?

With the change that is coming that is out of your control, I encourage you to control the change you can by letting God change you into the new person He wants you to become! Embrace the change! Look forward to the challenges and opportunities that are coming your way! Get into shape spiritually and physically to meet the change. 

A new chapter in the book of your life is about to start. I encourage you to be ready for it and let people be excited to see what happens next!

Karen Horn