New Zion Women In Faith
Linda Wilson was hostess for the February 13 meeting of the Women in Faith. She served a delicious array of Valentine’s foods: Iced heart-shaped cookies, seasonal M&M’s, cranberry salad, cheese ball with crackers, and iced tea. Themed napkins, plates, and a bouquet of roses completed the party atmosphere. We were pleased to have Laura Lee Gayfield, our new administrative assistant, join us for this portion of the meeting. What a great time to get better acquainted.
“Pray and Care” was the topic for the program led by Terryann McCoy. A special offering was taken to support work with women and children through the Heart Camp, a part of the Children's Heart Project which one of the nine major projects of Samaritan’s Purse. She read Jeremiah 31: 16, Acts 26: 31, and Isaiah 54: 13. The meaning of those readings became clear as she shared the story of Reagan in Uganda whose 2-year-old life was saved by heart surgery and changed by attendance at Heart Camp for several years. Members were given a Pray and Care Calendar, a week of daily prayers of praise and gratitude, and another for caring by providing daily Bread from those with Living Bread. She closed with a prayer entitled “Pray for the Hearts of Children”.
Brenda Hanna led members in reciting the pledge to open the business portion of the meeting. Thanks to everyone who supported the January Soup and Sandwich Luncheon. Your donations gave us $770 for the Cru mission at Ohio University where the Selway family serves. Terryann will lead the February 23 luncheon for disaster relief in the US. Peggy Wippel and Ann Arebalo will lead in March for the Pioneer Bible Translators served by Rich and Sarah Vogt in Tanzania.
Plans began for Easter Sunrise Breakfast on April 20. Brenda, Ann, Tammy Phelps, and Terryann volunteered to provide cakes for the Senior Lunch on Feb. 26. Four volunteers are needed to make cakes for the March 26 Senior Lunch. Contact Brenda if you would like to help.
The next meeting will be March 13 at 3:00 PM in the Sunrise Room of the church. Linda will be program leader. Susan Slone and Dana Lochard will serve as hostesses.
by Terryann McCoy