Women in Faith
By Terryann McCoy
New Zion Women in Faith March 13 meeting was hosted by Dana Lochard and Susan Slone. Fifteen women enjoyed the delicious refreshment of croissant sandwiches, cheese, crackers, nuts, pineapple cupcakes, tea, and water.
Linda Wilson presented the program on Grace. She defined grace as a free gift of God to all humans to help overcome sin. She contrasted grace and mercy, and using the first letters in grace, gave a way to recall that grace is God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Scriptures read were John 1: 16 – 17; Romans 5: 19 – 21; 2 Corinthians 12: 9; and Ephesians 2: 4 – 9. In unison the group read the words of the hymn “Grace Greater than Our Sin”. Linda summarized two Max Lucado stories that gave amazing real-life examples of grace. In closing, the group sang the song they had read together. We were reminded that grace is not given because of our good works, but so that we may do good works. Linda closed with prayer and a challenge to do good works.
Thanks were expressed to all who helped with the February Soup and Sandwich Lunch. Your donations of $850 will be sent to Samaritan’s Purse for disaster relief in North Carolina and California. Please remember the March 23 Soup and Sandwich Lunch led by Peggy Wippel and Ann Arebalo. Donations will go to support the mission of Rich and Sarah Vogt in Tanzania for Pioneer Bible Translators.
Plans continued for Easter Sunrise Breakfast on April 20. Watch for information about the annual Eggstravaganza community event, sponsored by the NOW Church. They can always use help, especially stuffing eggs. You may participate as an individual or form a group to go together to help.
Peggy, Ann, Linda, and Tammy Phelps will provide cakes for the Senior Citizen meal on March 26. Let Brenda know it you would like to bake for April 23.
The group has received four tickets for the LifeWise Academy Ambassador Impact meal on April 5 at 5:30. Let Brenda know if you are interested in attending.
Prayer partners were chosen, names added for all to pray for and lists distributed. Each woman prayed for her March partner.
Join us for the next regular meeting on April 10 at 3:00 PM in the Sunrise Room of the church. Peggy will be hostess and lead the program