Work Zone Ahead
By Pastor Mike Adams
Have you noticed?! Signs of new growth is all around us! The flowers are up and blooming, birds are beginning to build nests, and pollen is causing people to sneeze more than normal!
What did it take for everything to get to this point? They all require work! For us to grow, it requires work! But all who have ever been to a gym or rehab facility, using our muscles (working out) that's when we grow stronger!
Sometimes it requires work in our heads! As Jesus was headed to the cross, what do you think he was thinking about from Gallilee to Jerusalem? He may have been working out in his head! He undoubtedly knew it was going to require much! The pain, the sorrow, the agony were all at work long before the body felt it, but it was at work in his head.
So what did he do? He did what we all must do if we want to be successful in our life's purpose, he kept putting one foot in front of the other until he accomplished his purpose.
As you look at everything that is happening in the natural world these days, I encourage you to take the next step, and the next, and the next, whether it's in your head or actually walking forward with your purpose in mind to be able to push through the obstacles that may be present.
Jesus walked all the way and was victorious not only because of who he was, but because he knew what was coming...victory!