Announcing New Zion Annual Charge/Church Conference

by Terryann McCoy

The annual charge/church conference for New Zion will be held at the church on Sunday, October 27, at 3:00 PM. Everyone is invited to attend, and all professing members present may vote.  

The charge conference is the connecting link between the local church (New Zion), the annual conference (Allegheny West), and the general church (Global Methodist Church). It has general oversight of the church council and the overall ministry of the local church.  

The presiding elder of the Columbus East Circuit, or an appointed representative, will conduct the meeting. Our presiding elder is Rev. David Carter. Among items on the agenda for the meeting will be a review and evaluation of the total mission and ministry of the church, various reports, approval of lay ministers, approval of compensation for paid staff, report and action on membership, and election of officers.  

This is a good opportunity for church members to get to know someone beyond our local church, to hear an overview of our 2024 work, and to participate in decisions for 2025. This is the first annual charge/church conference for New Zion since becoming a part of the Global Methodist Church. You are encouraged to attend. 

Karen Horn