Men's Moments

by Bob Wilson

It’s football season again. As the summer heat starts to turn to a milder fall, I begin to hope that my teams can get it together and perhaps win a championship.

Sports, especially football, represent discipline, aggressiveness, intimidation, and good game planning. Names like the Chicago Bears, Detroit Tigers, Jackson Jaguars, Los Angeles Rams, Buffalo Bills, and Carolina Panthers speak to all the muscular attributes the game represents.

What if some of the teams were named Syracuse Squirrels, Chicago Chipmunks, Louisville Lambs, or Kansas Kittens? That doesn’t really send the same kind of respect. It is more like humor, pity, and concern.

But you know, what’s in a name? If you have a good coach, disciplined players, a good game plan, even a team with the name of Arizona Cardinals can win a championship.

When Jesus sent his team of 72 out into the countryside, he had a game plan, “I am sending you.” “I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy.” He didn’t call his team, the Jerusalem Jaguars, or the Capernaum Cheetahs, they were the “Lambs.”

So how did the Lambs do against their opponents?

FINAL SCORE:  Lambs—72   Wolves—0

In his book, The Winners Manual, former OSU football coach Jim Tressel says,

Belief, to my way of thinking, is taking the faith you have and activating it. You believe in the team, so you play hard. You believe in each other. You trust the guy in front of you to block the linebacker who’s coming to get you. You trust that the guys on your right and left are going to push through the line with all their might to tackle the person with the ball. But first you have to believe.

This sounds like a good strategy for how the Christian Church should operate. If Jesus sends you out, gives you a game plan, and you believe in it, then act against all odds, against your better judgement, go and persevere. The Lambs will rout the Wolves every time.


1 The Lord now chose seventy-two[a] other disciples and sent them ahead in pairs to all the towns and places he planned to visit. ...3 Now go, and remember that I am sending you out as lambs among wolves...17 When the seventy-two disciples returned, they joyfully reported to him, “Lord, even the demons obey us when we use your name!” —Luke 10:1,3,17 NLT

Karen Horn